Since 2004 Fusion has been helping clients reach their goals, and that is only the beginning.

Fusion Integrated Solutions leverages our superior understanding of our clients' needs to provide proven and innovative technology and methodology solutions at a great value.
As a result, Fusion will generate a sustainable client base allowing our employees, members and the communities in which we live and work to prosper.
Technical Expertise
We apply best-in-class technologies and methods to deliver value-creating solutions.
We believe Technology CAN BE the vehicle to Client Satisfaction but is not the destination.
We provide challenging opportunities for Team Members’ professional development.
Health, Safety & Sustainability
We create a Healthy and Safe environment for our Team Members and our Clients.
We comply with all laws, regulations, and professional engineering and IT ethics.
We transform complex industrial hygienic and environmental
challenges into lasting solutions.
Business Deal
We treat each other, our Customers, our Suppliers, and our Competitors with honesty, respect, and dignity.
We share information appropriately so we all can make the best choices.
We demonstrate leadership behaviors internally and externally.
We are a Company of Servant Leaders.
We are a Professional Engineering and Technology Firm that applies ethical business practices.
We safeguard Fusion’s, Our Clients’, and Others’ Intellectual Property against Cyber Threats & Negligence.
Client and Customer Understanding
We passionately seek to understand our Clients' needs.
We consistently deliver a high-quality service with quality defined by our customers.
Create Value
We leverage our deep understanding of our Clients’ needs to create short and long-term economic value.
We seek to provide Continuous and Sustainable Employment for our Team Members.
Team Approach
We utilize a Team-Based Approach which provides the best solution at the best value for our Clients.
We recognize and reward team efforts, talents, successes, and lessons learned.